+44 (0) 757 588 4080 [email protected]

I’m Julia Afdasta

Personal Life & Business Coach

Helping You Realise Your Goals, Dreams & Self-Worth 

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Personal Life Coaching

Need support in making positive changes in your daily life or realising your dreams and goals? If so, I can help.

Get Started Today!

Business Coaching

Need guidance in running your business, driving results or increasing your self-esteem and confidence? If so, I can help.

Get Started Today!
Invest You. Your Dreams. Your Goals.  

Unleash Your Potential.

Celebrate THE NEW YOU

Get started today with a Personal Life Coach to support and guide you in forging and achieving YOUR goals, dreams, and purpose in life. Invest in your personal development. I will be by your side, cheering, believing and motivating you to reach your fullest potential, whilst helping you to love and value yourself.

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I'll Help You With


Setting goals & creating a plan of action to achieve them


Increasing your self-esteem, confidence & self-worth


Gaining clarity on your life purpose and passion


Overcoming obstacles or barriers with bespoke solutions


Start your own business


Learning how to love, respect and value yourself


Discover Your Passion & Purpose

We can help you add more meaning to your life by helping you explore your purpose and passion so that you can make a positive impact on your society and wellbeing.

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Build Self-Esteem & Self-Love

Through coaching and positive affirmation, we can help build your self-confidence, self-love,  inner-strengths and appreciation of your achievements.

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Develop & Improve Interpersonal Skills

Gain new interpersonal skills to improve your communication and interaction skills with friends, family or colleagues, individually or in group settings. 

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Startup & SMEs Business Coaching

Need help in starting your own business but don’t know where to begin or don’t have the confidence? We can help in start-up to scale-up phases in any type of business. 

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Develop a Personal Brand

Create or refine the way your friends, colleagues, family or the public perceives you. We can help you develop a compelling identity that projects you the way you want to be seen, and we can also help you alter the way you present yourself.

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What Is Life Coaching?
Who is Coaching For?
Does Coaching Work?

A life coach listens, assists and guides individuals who want to invest in their personal development, overcome particular challenges, reach specific goals or increase their self-esteem and confidence.

Life coaching is for an individual who needs a little bit of a push and motivation to help them forge and manifest their dreams and goals.

Coaching can be a powerful solution, but it is also a personal decision. Coaching is like any other relationship; you should be able to put your guard down and feel safe to be yourself, your true self. When you find the ‘right’ Life Coach, you should sense a connection and feel understood before the end of your first coaching session. You should feel motivated and excited because you believe your Life Coach can help you influence your actions and motivate you to unleash your full potential, attain your goals and overcome your weaknesses.

What would be the role of a Life Coach?

A Life Coach would help you build your self-esteem, confidence, self-worth, help you set and meet your goals, give you tools to trigger positive and new behavioural changes and create solutions to help you overcome obstacles that are holding you back.

What should I expect from hiring a Life Coach?

You should feel like you are being seen, heard and understood. A Life Coach should support and work with you to feel empowered and motivated. They should help you organise, prioritise and create a game plan to help you to achieve your objectives and overcome obstacles that are holding you back from life. They should be your cheerleader and pillar when you need them the most.

What problems can a Life Coach help solve?

A life coach should help you with

  • Self-discovery and growth
  • Setting goals and meeting them
  • Love, respect and value yourself
  • Feel happier, empowered and independent
  • Become more confident and have a higher self-esteem
  • Hold you accountable for your objectives
  • Motivate and guide you reach your full potential
  • Help you find your passion and purpose in life
  • Create or refine your personal brand or a compelling identity
  • Keep you on track of your goals and help you proritise what should be doing
  • Be your cheerleader and pillar when you need it the most
What is a difference between a Life Coach and a Therapist?

A Life coach focuses on setting and achieving your goals, whilst a therapist helps you treat or cope with a particular mental and psychical illness.

My Story

From the time I was 11 years old until I was 17, I suffered silently from severe insecurity and low self-esteem, as a result of my parent’s hostile divorce and going through years of poverty.
During those periods, the family dynamics and environment was extremely unhealthy and unstable, which had a massive impact on my mental and emotional well-being. I was always criticised and put down for my efforts in trying to please my parents, which caused me to feel insecure and critical of myself.

I couldn’t do simple daily activities, as I lacked the courage, motivation and belief in myself. I would inflict self-abuse, run away from trusting anyone, being in abusive relationships and immersing myself in negativity all day, every day. I didn’t know how to feel safe or feel loved. My life transformed when I found a Life Coach, who helped me see the good in me and my full potential. For me, it took several months to overcome my low self-confidence, belief and hatred.

I was taught and given new tools to change my thoughts, behaviours and patterns that were holding me back. I started to speak up and stand more confident in my beliefs. I began to feel something magical and empowering within my body, mind and soul. It felt like I was learning how to crawl, walk and run again.

From the age of 19, I started my own business, and for several years I volunteered in sheltered homes and poverty programs to help women and girls feel confident and love themself. I would share my story and inspire them not to give up and empower them to transform their lives and the way they tell their story. I could sense the hope and belief they began to have with their eyes and energy, which gave birth to my life’s purpose and passion. I truly and deeply love making a positive difference in people’s lives, and when I see them reach their full potential, I want nothing more because I have achieved my heart’s desire.

Today, I am proud to state that I was lucky that I had invested in my personal development by trusting my life coach. Without the help of my life coach, I would have never reached my full potential nonetheless helped the many individuals and companies I did over the years.

Meet Me

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“Julia’s way of thinking in terms of her boldness, sass and hustle has helped me push me on to believe my business can be something bigger than it is. Having that peer-to-peer supervision support and coaching has been really helpful in terms of empowering me.”  – Female Business Owner

“There are no words by itself that can express my gratitude towards Julia. Since the beginning she has been committed to helping me, being beside me along my journey, keeping me on track, opening my eyes to bigger possibilities and helping me become who I am. Thanks to her, I can see my path clearly. Thanks to her for not losing faith in me and for always seeing the true and real me. She always believed in me and held my hand when I didn’t have anyone to run to. Thanks to her, I can now be fully myself and be fearless.”

Julia is very a detailed -oriented Coach who produced amazing life-changing results for the women and children fleeing abuse. Julia is truly an inspiration and huge support to women and girls especially the most vulnerable and marginalized.” – Executive Director @ Women’s Shelter 

Other Related Services 

Personal Life Coach

Business Coaching

Branding & Marketing Services

Gain Clarity. Discover Your Life Purpose. Set Goals. Make Positive Changes

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Are you at a turning point in your life? Do you feel unsatisfied and unhappy all the time? Not sure what you want in life, or are you feeling trapped in the same old patterns? Are you in need of a change?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you could use the help and support of a Life Coach. A Coach is committed to seeing you gain clarity in your life’s purpose and set goals to make your dreams and goals come true. They are there to help make positive changes, hold you accountable and make sure you reach your fullest potential. They are committed to you, your growth and success.

Don’t Know Where to Begin?

We Can Help. Achieve Real Results.

Schedule your FREE 1HR coaching session today

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