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M-F: 9am – 8pm
S-S: 10am – 4pm

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Frequent FAQs

Before you hire a marketing agency to help with your marketing needs, make sure you both share similar values. A good agency will go out of their way to maintain long-term and more intimate relationships with their clients. They also become an extension of your team and have the agility to adjust their service roadmap to anticipate your business needs.

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What is your mission?

Our mission is to empower people, either through personal development or taking their conceptual brand from idea to reality. We aim to be versatile in various industries without compromising our integrity, passion and mission.

How does your agency add long-term value to a business?

We work with clients that share similar values and vision. Our dedication, pride and integrity, drives us to always deliver the best and be the best for our clients. We see ourselves as an extension of your team and mission, and adapt our services to enable you to meet your business or professional objectives. Our long-term goal is to establish strong, mutually beneficial relationships with all our clients.

How long does it take to set up an online campaign?

Assuming we have the advert copy, visual asset, targeted audience and billing finalised, it should not take more than 1 day.

What ad spend have you been working with and recommend?


Ad spends vary depending on your budget and campaign. We’ve worked with budgets that range from £50 to £100,000+.

We always recommend to start with smaller ad budget on your first week or month to determine the conversion cost and rate, number of impressions and website visits. This data can help us decide how much budget we should allocate to the campaign to meet our clients KPIs.



How does your agency communicate to your clients?

We always try to see our clients in person because we believe business relationships thrive better that way. However, there are times our clients can’t meet with us, so we either use video conferencing or schedule a phone call.

What are your agency's expectations of your client?

It is very important that our clients work with integrity and honesty with their customers, staff and public. Treating people with respect and honor, fuels creativity, trust and success.

Do you provide monthly data reports and what does it consist of?

The monthly reports will consist of 3 sheets on an excel document and will include the following

  • Monthly Campaign performance:
    • We will have following data: Ad Budget & Spent, impressions, CPI, Link Clicks, CPC, CTR, Conversions, Conversion rate, CPCo, # of Meetings in person & Meeting Rates, # of Sales & Sales Rate
    • Over our monthly catch up, we will collect “# of meetings in person” to establish a “sales rate”.
  • Customer Profile
    • We will create a demographic profile, which gives you an insight on all those inddividuals who engaged with your campaign. We can use this to refine or expand your targeted audience
  • Keywords
    • This data is specifically for Google AdWords. At the end of your monthly campaign we will see which keywords had the highest engagement, the bid cost and the number of link clicks. We can use this information for your SEO (front and back-end), which can drive more organic traffic to your website nonetheless get better metrics on your campaign performance.
What scope and processes do you have in place when managing social media channels in terms of publishing posts?

Our process for social media marketing includes the following: 

  1. Standard practice is to analyse your competitors to see what content is driving the most engagement and use that as a form of inspiration to develop social media content.
  2. Analyse your social posts from a month ago to decide what content drove the most and least engagement, refine content strategy for social media optimisation
  3. Develop copy and visual asset 1- 2 weeks before the next month
  4. Have a meeting or email social copy for review and sign off 
  5. Upload bull content in all applicable social media channels
  6. Capture data on all social platforms and if possible on Google Analytics (ideally this would be critical to gain full access of your microsite’s Google analytics)
  7. start the process all over again from step 1 to 6 each month

The posts will be published through an automated platform to maintain consistency, reduce manual work which can keep your overhead low. We could either use Hootsuite or Notion.

What is included in the 1 Year Marketing Plan - High level?

The marketing plan is a template provides a 12 month overview of all costs and the activities you intend on doing for that year.This allows you to see what marketing efforts are required to do before during and after a campaign.

This template lists specific projects you should consider doing, like: R&D, Digital Marketing, Traditional, Marketing Collateral and a few others.

We recommend have two copies, the first copy would be your original marketing strategy and the second one would highlight the marketing efforts that took place.

Before the year ends, you can refer to this document to decide which marketing activities drove us the best ROI and the total costs per activity, per month and annually.

We will use this insight to refine the next 12 months. We will continue doing this each year until we have developed the best formula for your marketing plan that gave you the highest ROI.

What kind of payment structure do you have in place?

We work with different types of businesses that range from start-up to enterprise, and being flexible with payment structure is important for us and our clients.

There are two payment structure that seems to work for all types of businesses:

  • Month-to-Month Proposal:
    • The monthly quote is based on no contractual agreement, which means you can cancel at any time. You will only be held accountable for the month which we provided marketing services for your business.
  • Annual Contract Proposal
    • The second quote is an annual contract proposal which can qualify you to a discount based on the total number of days a month you get using our services.
    • You can either pay the full amount or you can give monthly payments to cover your total cost. The monthly payments always seems to be the best option for start-ups and small businesses.
    • If your business requirements change and you need to focus on other marketing services, we can reallocate time from the marketing services you currently have with us. This level of flexibility and freedom helps us build stronger and dependable relationship with our clients and vs versa!


Client Testimonials

“Julia is an incredibly positive, professional and passionate person who thrives on challenge and delivers amazing results often (in my experience) from a very limited briefing! She has the full array of marketing skills which have helped favourably reposition a number of my accounts both locally in the UK and in growing international markets where her insights and support proved invaluable. .”

  Managing Director - Insurtech

“The team always provide above and beyond support for our projects. CWMG get results, and is a pleasure to work with them! They are highly knowledgeable and I would recommend them to anyone who wishes to enhance their brand and marketing goals.”


  VP - FinTech

“The team’s drive and initiative to learn not only about the inner workings of our business, but also their attention to detail and efforts to become familiar with competitors within the same marketplace allowed them to play an integral role in the coordination and successful updating our brand and competitive advantage. The CEO’s passion, creativeness and thoroughness in the projects/clients she undertakes makes her service a valuable asset in any setting.” Director - Energy/Oil